Embrace Something New


Last week, my nephew got me reading this book called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck".  It's a very interesting book.  Basically, the author's premise is that we all care a lot about something; but, too often what we end up caring about are the mundane things in life - the things that we really shouldn't care so much about.  It's really easy to fall into the daily routine of life and to place all of our attention and energy there.  But, what good does this actually do us?

When all is said and done, do we really want to look back on our lives and say "Oh, I worked hard at a job that didn't appreciate me", "I made sure the house was always clean", "I watched a lot of tv"?  Probably not.  We want our lives to be something filled with exciting memories and fun adventures.  The mundane is great for balancing things out.  After a very crazy few months, I'm grateful to have some boredom this week.  But, boredom and tedium while relaxing, are not energizing.  They don't give us somewhere to invest our energy that will be rewarding, fun, or fulfilling.  That's where you have to embrace something new.

For this week, I challenge you to find something new to care about.  Find something new to try.  It doesn't have to be something extravagant or complicated.  It could be trying a new food or recipe, trying a video game that's not one you would normally play, reading a book that's not your preferred genre, or just taking a different path to class or on your walk.  When we embrace new things, we find out what's important to us.  And, what is important to us is where we should spend our time and our energy.  It's what keeps us inspired.  It's what makes us want to get out of bed in the morning.  Our passions are really what life is all about.

And, if you need inspiration - be like Savvi.  Cats are the zen masters of not giving a f*ck.  They do what they want, when they want.  So, make this your mantra this week:  Be the cat.  


Manson, M. (2016). The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Harper Collins Publishers. 


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