Exercise and Stress

It looks like the weather is finally changing over to Spring. We have a few showers in the forecast, but otherwise this week is a great opportunity to get outside. With the gyms either closed or at limited capacity, many of us haven’t kept up our exercise routines. Yes, there are always things to do inside to keep in shape; but, fresh air and warmer temperatures demand our attention and encourage even the most sedentary of people to go outside for a walk. So, now is the perfect time to refresh your existing workout routine, create one, or breathe fresh life into one that may have fallen by the wayside during the cold, grey winter days.  
Exercise can be a tremendous help to dealing with stress as well as helping you stay physically healthy. It provides endorphins, vitamin D, and can improve your mood. And, if you’ve ever seen the movie “Legally Blonde”… "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." – Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods in “Legally Blonde”.

For those looking to start a new routine, don’t go too crazy with trying to do everything at once or by suddenly deciding to jump into an Olympic athlete’s workout routine if you’ve been out of one for an extended period of time. It’s more about creating and maintaining a habit than trying to be “the best” right away. So, start small. Find things you enjoy doing. Figure out a way to have some simple consistency. And, if you’re the type of person who thrives on connecting with others or a little friendly competition, recruit friends and family as a part of your routine. Having warmer weather means that you can socially distance and still hang out with other people. So, go for a walk together in the park or challenge them to goal that you set together. Check out the resources below for more information and ideas.
Remember: every little bit adds up.  So, start small, be consistent, and build on a good foundation.
-Dr. M

“Exercise for Stress and Anxiety” – Anxiety and Depression Association of America
“Exercising to Relax” – Harvard Men’s Health Watch 
“Stress Management” – Mayo Clinic
“Fitness 101:  The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Exercise” – WebMD


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