Sleep and Stress

Sleep and stress… or is it stress and sleep? The two are often intertwined. When we’re stressed, it’s much harder to fall asleep. Our minds twirl and twirl and replay every interaction we’ve had during the day. And, once we’re asleep we’re more likely to have our sleep disrupted by dreams and restlessness. On the other hand, not getting enough sleep can also make us feel more stressed. It also can make it more difficult to deal with everyday situations which, in turn, can stress us out even more. It can feel like a never-ending cycle.

We all know that most people need about 7-9 hours of sleep a night to be at their peak. But, did you know that having less than 6 hours of sleep on a regular basis means that your brain is working as if you’ve been up for 48 hours in a row (Doyle, Zakrajsek, & Gabriel, 2019)? Tests have actually shown that your cognitive processing, memory, and even reaction times are all severely impacted, just as if you’ve been up for two days straight! Now…. Think about how that impacts your ability to make sound decisions, get along with those around you, and your stress levels. 😬 Yikes!

If you’re not devoting enough time to sleep, that’s somewhat easy to fix. It will require you to prioritize sleep over other things like work, schoolwork, socializing, and whatever other demands you have on your time. If it’s a matter of not being able to sleep, that’s a bit trickier. But, handling your stress through physical exercise, meditation, or visiting (socially distanced) with friends and family can help. To help you with each of these, take a look at the stress relief tips that have already been sent out through the Canvas OneStop page as well as the resources below.

And, sweet dreams!

-Dr. M


Doyle, T., Zakrajsek, T., & Gabriel, K. F. (2019). The new science of learning: How to learn in harmony with your brain. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

“How to Tell if Sleep is Affecting Your Sleep” – Medical News Today

“17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night” – Healthline Magazine

“Sleep Tips: 6 Steps to Better Sleep” – Mayo Clinic Healthy Living

“Stress and Sleep” – American Psychological Association


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