Only This Moment and This Breath Matter


This past week has been full of distractions.  A lot going on, and too much to keep track of.  I found myself making mistakes and causing confusion rather than providing clear instruction and support to my students.  It was not the best of weeks.  So, how did I handle it?  I took a breath and chose to respond rather than react.  I took responsibility for the errors and did my best to correct the problems, realizing that I'm just as human as my students are.  We are all human; and, we all make mistakes.  

I still feel like things are spinning a bit out of control.  So, for this week I will be focusing on reminding myself that there is only one thing I actually have to do - breathe.  Everything else is secondary.  Sometimes, finding our breath, centering, and reminding ourselves that nothing matters past this moment is all we can do.  This breath matters.  This moment matters.  Step by step, breath by breath, moment by moment is how the world progresses.  And, by focusing on this breath and this moment, the word slows down, allowing us to find calm to address the next breath and the next moment.  So, find your breath and carry on.

"Start where you are.  Use what you have.  Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe


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