Checking in with Yourself


So, how did meditation go last week?  Did you try it?  Did you manage to do it every day?  If not, it's ok.  Self-care can look like a lot of different things for different people.  And, it can even be different for you at different points in time.  So, try to think about what you need today.

Take some time to check in with yourself - to truly check in.  Check in with your body.  How does it feel? Are there places in your body that are experiencing pain or discomfort?  What can you do to make those places feel better?  Are there places in your body that are comfortable and feel good?  It's important to acknowledge those parts as well.  Our culture tends to put more focus on the negative things in life rather than the positive.  But, by focusing on the positive we can create more positivity in our lives.  And, this is true for our bodies as well as our minds.  

Check in with your mind.  In a non-judgmental way, look at how you are feeling and that pattern of your thoughts.  Are they busy like buzzing bees?  Is it cloudy and difficult to think clearly?  Maybe it's calm like the surface of a lake or a clear blue sky.  Whatever it is, simply notice it and where you are mentally.  Are you happy with the emotional and mental state you're in right now?  If not, you can always change it.  The mind is malleable, plastic - if you want to change it, you can do so.  It may require you to step out of your comfort zone or to change your existing patterns of behavior.  But, once you notice where you are then you can decide where you want to be.

What kind of life do you want to live this week?


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