Saying No


Saying no is not my forte.  But, this week I've had to start making some hard choices.  I was asked to join a hiring committee.  I know we're short staffed and need to staff the committee, but I just don't have anything else to give.  Teaching 6 classes, multiple committees, planning a wedding, planning a celebration of life, and multiple other projects and to-do's have me simply overwhelmed.  It's even gotten to the point where my stress is showing up in random hives.  Whenever your mental health starts impacting your physical health, that's never a good sign.  And I ignored previous warning signs that things were getting out of control.  So, here I am.  

I know I'm not the only one who is dealing with high levels of stress.  Life can be challenging in its day-to-day changes and situations.  One thing a lot of us keep forgetting about, though, is that we're also in the middle of a pandemic.  I'll say it a bit louder - WE ARE STILL IN A PANDEMIC.  As much as we'd all love to return to a pre-2020 way of life and blow off what's going on, that's not something that's actually possible right now. Instead, we're dealing with the added pressures and stresses of dealing with Covid, protecting ourselves from it, or protecting those we love from it.  For some, that even means higher levels of isolation and feelings of loneliness.  And, while this is all normal given the situation, it does take its toll.

For me - that means this week I have to embrace the word "no".  It doesn't need a follow-up or an explanation.  No is perfectly fine all by itself.  It doesn't have to be mean, and it's doesn't mean you're not a team player.  It simply means no.  No, I can't.  No, I won't.  I'm sorry I don't currently have the bandwidth to take on anymore.  Thank you for asking me. but I cannot serve at this time.  No.  And, saying no to one thing allows us to say yes to another.  For me this week, I'll be saying no to things on my to-do list that can wait another week and to adding on anything else.  And, this means I can say yes to taking better care of myself and to being there for my loved ones while we say goodbye to our brother this week.  Some things take priority.  And, it's important to not let the trials and tribulations of everyday life make us forget this.  Sadly - it's taken hives for me to remember that.  But, every day and every second is a chance to do better - another chance to start anew.

Take care of yourselves this week.  And remember - "You can't pour from an empty cup."

*Image taken from Facebook page titled "Sun Gazing" on July 30, 2021:


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