Spring Cleaning - Start Small


Yesterday was the first day of meteorological Spring.  Today's weather is expected to be 67 degrees, and there's an 80 degree day in the forecast for the weekend.  Spring fever has set in!  I'm counting down the days until Spring Break and readying my porch and garden for their Summer look.  This is about the time that many people start thinking about doing some major cleaning out and cleaning up.  But, sometimes that can be a bit daunting.  There's always too much to do and not enough time.

So, if you want to start decluttering and doing a little Spring cleaning but don't know where to start, here are some tips:

1) Start small.  Clean off one counter in the kitchen.  Clean out your school/work bag.  Anything is progress.

2) Crank up the tunes!  Music makes everything better.  Put on something that makes you smile and dance your way to a cleaner space.

3) Recruit help.  See if you can talk a friend into helping or keeping you company.  Maybe they can help you clean out a closet now, and you can help them with some yard work next week.

4) Find some accountability. My sister and I will often text each other a list of everything we need to do.  Then we set a check-in time (usually 1-2 hours later) - and go!  It almost becomes a fun little competition to see who can get the most done before the next check-in.  We'll even send pics to each other of our progress throughout the day.

Remember: not everything has to be done right now.  Take breaks, hydrate, and try not to get sucked into the tedium that is the "to do list".  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue to tackle my to do list with some happy jams, a cup of coffee, and some fresh air on my porch while Savvi sleeps. (Yeah, I totally want to be a pampered house cat in my next life.)

Happy Spring, ya'll!


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